
7 years

Serving business owners in the payments industry since 2016

1000 clients

More than 1000 satisfied clients across Canada from Vancouver to Gaspésie


Since the beginning our mission has always been

Bringing Value to our clients

Our mission is simple overachieving while maintaining a quality service. We take time to understand and analyse every business before offering you solutions, that way we keep it simple for you. We offer you a multitude of tools to automatize recurrent task so you can concentrate your effort on what matters, the growth of your business. We offer contract-less plans to keep your payments solution flexible no matter your situation may change.

We have a transparent sale models and we aren't shy to educate you on how the industry works so you can make the best decision for your business. Our team of consultants and customer services offer support in many languages as we understand that English or French might not be your native tongue. Most importantly we are confident you won’t find a better after-sale service than ours.

Merchant services made simple.